What are the most popular social networking sites?

Facebook is a large social networking site, both in terms of the number of users it has, but also in terms of site recognition. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are also among the most popular social networking sites. There are many different sites, all of which are slightly different. However, they all allow users to connect with others and create a unique online image. Most people and businesses will have a profile on many of the key and popular networking sites, as this enables them to maximise their visibility.

Why is social networking beneficial for my business?

If you or your business don’t use social networking sites, then hopefully the next few sentences will persuade you to give them a go. This is because there are many benefits to using them. One of the key benefits is that they can improve your conversion rates. This is due to you being able to reach an increased target audience without having to spend thousands of pounds. Furthermore, networking and connecting with a broader audience helps to improve your brand equity, recognition, and authority. Communicating directly with your customers allows you as a business to deliver better customer service, which therefore also helps to increase brand loyalty.

Which social networking sites should I join for my business?

The best strategy is to try out a range of different social sites and discover which ones you feel most comfortable using. The more websites you can appear on, the better your social visibility will be. However, you need to ensure that you can maintain every profile you create and regularly generate new posts and content. Moreover, you need to ensure you remain active and connect with your audience across all your profiles. Therefore, it is essential to make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew. Start small, and as you grow, you can branch out in terms of the number of social networking sites you use.

However, some social networking sites work better for different types of businesses. This is due to their varying natures. For example, Instagram revolves around photographs. Therefore, if you run a company where you create aesthetically pleasing work or designs, this is a site you should sign up to. See our recommendations for different business types below:

Architects or Interior Designers:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Houzz
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Clubs
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
Professional services – Law firms, accounting firms, consulting firms
  • Quora
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
Fashion, home, and e-commerce retailers
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
There are tons of information on the internet regarding social networking. This includes easy to follow blogs and videos on how to set up profiles on all of the key social sites. We would recommend starting with creating a Facebook page. Many of us already have private Facebook profiles so we are familiar with the site and can navigate our way around. Facebook also offers many tools and features that can help you grow your online visibility. Examples are Facebook Ads and Business Manager, making it a great place to start connecting with customers.

So take that step and start social networking for your business.