by BlossomBuddy2 | 15 Oct 2022 | Advertising, SME
Are they that useful? What is a QR code? How do you make QR codes for advertising work? Do you use a QR code for advertising? When it comes to questions, people ask about the little black-and-white boxes we see on billboards, in magazines, and even in front of us when...
by BlossomBuddy | 1 Oct 2019 | Corporate, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, SME
The marketing strategy we will be looking at in this new blog article is Green Marketing. Currently, there has been a growing concern for the well-being of our planet, including issues regarding global warming and plastic waste. Industries worldwide are taking steps...
by BlossomBuddy | 26 Sep 2019 | Advertising, micro business, Small Business, SME
When you are running a business, be that a large or small business, then you are going to quickly find out that your business is never going to be a success if you don’t advertise and promote it. Marketing is not always the easiest thing to do, and one of the...
by BlossomBuddy2 | 2 Sep 2019 | General Marketing, Marketing, SME
Marketing is important for micro businesses and small businesses. There is so much to do when it comes to running a business. From keeping up with the finances, making sure your products and services are up to date, marketing, advertising and sales. Marketing is a...